Exploring WTF-Solidity: A Comprehensive Guide for Blockchain Developers

By. Lance Ennen

Exploring WTF-Solidity: A Comprehensive Guide for Blockchain Developers

Hello fellow blockchain enthusiasts! This is Lance Ennen, your Web3 specialist, and today, I am going to take you through the journey of exploring Solidity, the engine that powers most of the blockchain universe today. So, let's dive into the world of Solidity, the high-level language for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.

What the Fundamentals (WTF) is Solidity?

In the simplest terms, Solidity is a statically-typed programming language designed for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It's the language behind smart contracts, the self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Solidity's syntax is similar to JavaScript, making it relatively easy to pick up for those familiar with the latter.

Understanding Solidity's Objectives

Solidity was created to facilitate writing smart contracts on Ethereum. It aims to provide developers with a language that combines efficiency, security, and simplicity. Its primary objectives include enabling developers to write applications that implement self-enforcing business logic, which is encapsulated in smart contracts.

Decoding Solidity's Features

Solidity, as a language, has some fascinating features that make it suited for writing smart contracts.

  1. Statically Typed: Solidity is a statically typed language, meaning the type of each variable (state and local) needs to be specified at compile-time. This feature provides a safety net against type errors.

  2. Inheritance: Solidity supports both single and multiple inheritances, a feature that's incredibly useful when you're writing complex contracts.

  3. Function Modifiers: These are a handy tool in Solidity that allows you to change the behavior of functions in a declarative way.

  4. Error Handling: Solidity provides error handling mechanisms, using require, revert, and assert functions to throw exceptions and catch them.

  5. Libraries: Solidity allows the use of libraries, which can help reduce the final contract's deployment costs by deploying common code only once and then reusing it in other contracts.

Getting Started with Solidity

The journey to mastering Solidity begins with setting up a development environment. You can use Remix, an online IDE developed by the Ethereum Foundation, or set up a local environment using Truffle, a development framework that includes built-in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment, and binary management.

Once your development environment is set, it's time to start coding. Here's a simple example illustrating a Solidity smart contract:

pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
   uint storedData;
   function set(uint x) public {
      storedData = x;
   function get() public view returns (uint) {
      return storedData;

This contract does one simple task: storing a number. The set function allows you to store a number, and the get function allows you to retrieve it.

Mastering Solidity and Beyond

Solidity can be a powerful tool in your blockchain development arsenal. However, it's also a rapidly evolving language. It's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices.

I hope this post has given you a good start on your journey with Solidity. Remember that mastering any programming language takes time, patience, and a lot of practice. Keep coding, keep exploring, and let's build the decentralized future together. In the next blog post, we'll look at some advanced Solidity concepts, including contract interaction, event logging, and how to write upgradable smart contracts.

Stay tuned, and happy coding!